Name | Achievements | Milestones |
Ada Lovelace(1843) | Considered to be the first computer programmer Wrote down an algorithm for use in Charles Babbage’s analytical engine in order to compute Bernoulli Numbers . |
Grace Hopper(1959) | Developing a compiler | First compiler in 1952 Creation of COBOL 1959 |
Anita Borg | Built an email and web-based system to support virtual communities . She started the systers mailing list in 1987 | Patent on a technique for analysing and designing high-speed memory systems |
J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchy(1946) | Invented the first successful electronic computer called ENIAC - Electronic Numeric Integrated and Calculator. | |
IBM(1981) | Launched its personal computer. It was not the first but became popular | |
Apple - Steve Jobs(1984) | Macintosh was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface(GUI) instead of Command Line Interface | |
Bill Gates (1985) | Windows 1 | |
Tim Berners-Lee (1989) | World’s first website and server at CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research | |
Ralph Baer(1972) | Odyssey Very first home video game console. | |
Alon Cohen(1989) | Co-founder of VocalTec Inc & co-inventor of the Audio Transceiver that enabled creation of Voice over networks products. | |
Henry Kieffer(1975) | Invention of Microwave technology. | |
Percy Spencer(1951) | Setting up of GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications). |